
The staff works together to provide the community with high quality programs, projects and services while always adhering to the Family Ties values. Regular team-building activities ensure that employees work well together, communicate effectively and know each other’s strengths. The weekly staff meetings allow everyone to stay informed and keep connected. Every two years, employees meet with the director to carry out Employee Evaluations. There are opportunities for staff training on an individual and team basis.


 Executive Director Heather MacWhirter
Assistant to the Director, Destination Family Coordinator, Dads’ Dinners CoordinatorCarolyn Taylor
Early Childhood CoordinatorAmie Major
Youth Programs Coordinator, AdministrationMaria Chatterton
Food Security Coordinator, NHFS Coordinator, AdministrationMelissa Mercier
Early Childhood  AssistantMelissa Stanley
Collective Cooking AnimatorAriane Arsenault
Adapting to Challenges Together CoordinatorAnn Kelly
Youth Programs AssistantMadison Flowers
Canadian Heritage Cultural Coordinator Dave Felker
BookkeeperJohnny Legrand

Canadian Heritage projects (ccaf)

Through the Canadian Heritage Community Cultural Action Fund, Family Ties is able to offer cultural activities and workshops in English which deepen the sense of belonging to a vibrant and engaged official language minority community.

Prenatal Sessions

In partnership with the CISSS, the prenatal program offers support to English-speaking women preparing to give birth through the sharing of information and creating links with others. Partners are also welcome.

Baby & Me

(0-12 months + expecting families)

This program invites parents and their babies 0-12 months to come together for mutual support, sharing of information, professional workshops and socializing.

Culture Club

A weekly program for girls and boys aged 5-8 focusing on play, social interaction, learning and experiencing new things. Activities include outdoor play, obstacle courses, science experiments, crafts, cooking and sports. In addition to the many activities Culture Club hosts a monthly family night, bringing siblings and parents for fun events and shared meals.

A program offered twice per year for boys aged 13-17 who graduated from the BUDS program, with a focus on outdoor activities, adventure and physical activity.

Circle of Security is an international program which helps caregivers connect with the children in their lives and is delivered by a qualified facilitator. Through focused discussions, parents reflect upon children’s attachment needs in different situations in order to promote a secure attachment with their own child.

Destination Family

The Destination family program offers support to parents with children aged 0-12 years through individual, family and group interventions and is delivered in partnership with health and social service professionals.

Community Garden

The community garden gives individuals and families access to an expert gardener & garden assistant and an established garden space with the necessary tools to plant, grow and harvest fresh produce, herbs and flowers.

Family Events

Family Ties organizes family events throughout the year which includes activities and healthy food.

· Family Literacy Day
· Family Day at the Chalet
· Teddy Bear Picnic on Canada Day


March Break Activities

Family Ties organized a wide range of activities a range of activities for children and their families over March break in partnership with the Municipality of New Carlisle, New Carlisle High School, CLC New Carlisle and Bright Beginnings.

Library & Access Centre

The Library & Access Centre is open to members who are able to borrow English books. magazines, DVDS and board games free of charge. They also have access to computers, a printer and Wi-Fi.

Born to Read

In Phase 1 of Born to Read infants receive a bag full of books at the time of their first immunization at the CLSC. In Phase 2 four year olds receive a bag of books along with crayons, glue, scissors, pencil, and activity or colouring book at the time of their immunization just before entering school. Family Ties assembles the bags with age appropriate books weaving literacy into the home. New parents also receive a board book entitled “Welcome Baby” by Barbara Reid from the 0-5 nurse at their 24 hour post hospital visit. Additionally, parents have access to a wide variety of resources in the Family Ties library.

Canada Summer jObs

This program provides funding to subsidize wages for people aged 15 and 30, allowing Family Ties to create quality summer work experiences.

New Horizons for Seniors: Growing Wise Together

This program aims to empower seniors while encouraging them to share their knowledge, skills and experience with others in the community.

Dads' Dinners

Dads’ Dinners offers fathers the opportunity to get together in an informal environment to learn cooking skills, which they used to prepare food for their families, and chat about their reality as men and fathers

Munchkin Mansion Playschool

Munchkin Mansion Playschool is a program for children ages 1-5 and their caregivers. Families gather for fun and learning through free play, story time, arts and crafts, singing, healthy snacks and outdoor play. Outings happen on a regular basis to the swimming pool, skating rink, Bioparc and other family-friendly locations.  Parents/caregivers share information and knowledge and learn from early childhood professionals.